Miami University’s Institute for Learning in Retirement
I facilitated the following workshops for Miami University’s Institute for Learning in Retirement, 2014-2015.

- 04/28/15 Basic Computer Troubleshooting
- Technology is great when it works, but it’s not always perfect! Learn basic troubleshooting tips and tricks to use when your computer decides to not cooperate.
- 04/21/15 Online Marketplace
- Learn the best places to buy and sell your crafts, electronics, and collectibles! During this hands on workshop, we will discuss various services as well as strategies to maximize your profits.
- 04/14/15 Streaming Media
- Whether you are ready to “cut the cable cord” or find other ways to enjoy movies and music, we will discuss streaming media of all kinds and the hardware you need to enjoy it. Topics include Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hoopla, Rdio, Freegal, and Roku.
- 04/07/15 Online Recipes
- Learn some new recipes or perfect your old favorites by exploring these online resources. Not sure what to make with what you already have? We have that covered too.
- 03/31/15 Social Networking
- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram… Let’s talk about how to use social networks to stay connected to those you care about while protecting your privacy and security.
- 11/04/14 Nanowrimo!
- November is National Novel Writing Month! We will discuss some powerful tools that can be used to help write your masterpiece – whether it is a novel, poem, short story, or memoir.
- 10/28/14 Introduction to 3D Printing
- Creating physical copies of digital objects. Learn about current applications of 3D printers, participate in a hands-on demonstration, and see where the technology is heading in the future.
- 10/21/14 Staying Safe Online
- Whether you use a tablet, smart phone, desktop, or notebook, learn how to keep your information and your devices safe. We will discuss email safety, malware protection, phishing, and ways to locate lost or stolen devices.
- 10/14/14 Edit Photos With Picasa
- Learn to edit and share photos with Picasa, free software from Google. We will discuss cropping, red eye removal, color correction, and more. We will then discuss sharing photos online from Picasa.
- 10/07/14 Digital Photography Crash Course
- Learn how to compose the perfect shot, use light (or lack thereof) to your advantage, and capture photos for friends, family, or even for selling objects online. Bring your digital camera, smart phone, or tablet for this hands-on workshop.
- 04/15/14 Google Earth
- Explore your neighborhood, foreign lands, under the sea, and even other planets without leaving your seat! Learn how to use Google Earth and start exploring today!
- 04/08/14 eReaders and Tablets
- This hands on workshop will allow you to play with several eReaders and tablets to see if they are right for you! Also learn how to download free eBooks and audiobooks from the Lane Libraries.
- 04/01/14 Sharing Photos Online
- Make the memories of your digital or scanned photos available to the world -– or only those you choose. You will learn how to navigate photo sharing sites, how to upload images, and how to share them with others.